Set 1
Basic car control….before moving on;
- Do you understand MSM?
- Can you set all your mirrors effectively?
- Can you tell me what blind spots are/shoulder?
- How often should you check your mirrors?
- Can you safely pull up at the side of the road?
- Do you understand the biting point?
- Which gear is the strongest?
- Can you work other controls such as Lights, wipers, speedometer, soft touch indicator, fans, etc….?
- What is an open/closed junction? Which gear is suited to a closed junction?
- When should you apply the Hand Brake?
- How do you learn best? VARK.
- Who takes responsibility for the car?
- Is there any question you want to ask but haven’t?
- Is there anything I could help you with?
Set 2
Some considerations when manoeuvring…………..
- Do you understand what Camber is and how it affects the car?
- Can you manoeuvre on hills, up and downward?
- When would it be dangerous to reverse?
- How far are you allowed to reverse?
- Can you see clearly? can you work Wipers. Fan. Air conditioning? Open windows.
- When would it be illegal to reverse?
Set 3
Some questions for your consideration; set 3 are more though provoking.
If you are finding these questions difficult then you should discuss these with us on your next lesson.
- Who has priority at a crossroads (marked & unmarked)?
- Can you negotiate multi lane roundabouts?
- Do you understand directional road signs?
- Do you understand the sequence of traffic lights?
- Do you understand filter lights?
- Do you know what the national speed limit sign looks like?
- Do you understand the two second rule gap?
- What type of crossing has a flashing amber light?
- What does a zebra crossing look like?
- How would you know you are approaching a mini Roundabout
- What MUST you do at a GIVE WAY?
- What MUST you do at a STOP LINE?
- Can you apply the full M.S.M. routine? M.S.M.P.S.L.
- Can you emerge onto a dual carriageway safely? Cross the carriageway?
- Do you understand what the ‘HOLD BACK’ position is?
- Do you know how to deal with hatch markings? Surounded with a BROKEN OR SOLID line?
- What does a solid line in the middle of the road mean?
- Is there any question you want to ask but haven’t?
- Is there anything I could help you with?
The above questions are basic road procedure and you MUST know them in order to make sound decisions when driving.